Adding additional layers of Value to a Product or Service is a key step in becoming a Solution. Customers will always look for Solutions to business "pain points" or to drive specific Business Outcomes
Servitization is an industry term which describes the process of transforming a product based business into a consultative, solutions-based business via the introduction of services layers surrounding the product to form a more compelling overall business solution and one which has a much better chance of driving a real business outcome for the customer. Click on the above image to get a better understanding of the multiple "layers" which could be added on top of a product before it might be considered to be a real Solution for a Customer.
Equally Servitization could be applied to a Service offering to transform it into a Solution which delivers a specific Business Outcome or solves a "pain point".
Pathway4Business has a methodology which helps clients through the transformational journey from Product/Service Provider to Solutions Provider in a controlled and effective manner.
Move the mouse over the Circles below to see some of the various tools, methodologies, processes and growth strategy techniques which Pathway4Business follow.